
Folk belief

"In folkloristics, folk belief or folk-belief is a broad genre of folklore that is often expressed in narratives, customs, rituals, foodways, proverbs, and rhymes. It also includes a wide variety of behaviors, expressions, and beliefs. Examples of concepts included in this genre are magic, popular belief, folk religion, planting signs, hoodoo, conjuration, charms, root work, taboos, old wives´ tales, omens, portents, the supernatural and folk medicine.

Folk belief and associated behaviors are strongly evidenced among all elements of society, regardless of education level or income. In turn, folk belief is found in an agricultural, suburban, and urban environments alike." - (en.wikipedia.org 25.10.2020)

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Újabb adatok Bátya néphitéhez c. pályázat gépirata.Adatok Bátya néphit monográfiájához c. néprajzi gyűjtés gépirata.Néphit, népszokás Hajóson c. néprajzi gyűjtés gépirata.Magnetofonos néprajzi gyűjtés néphit témakörben. Főbb adatközlők: Vörösváczkiné, Orcsikné. Gépirat.Keceli néphit c. pályázat gépirata I-II.Csávolyi magyar, bunyevác és sváb néphit.
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